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Welcome to Smithton, home of the Wildcats!

Doors Open
Class Starts
Class Dismisses
7:00 AM
7:25 AM
2:35 PM


Who are we?

Our Mission
Prepare students as problem solvers to adapt to an ever changing future through rigorous academic growth and positive character development.

Our Vision
To be a positive environment where students and teachers work together for excellence. 

Our Values
Education, Problem Solving, Relationships, Respect, Teamwork, Character

Smithton will continue to work toward this vision, striving to be the best middle school in Columbia and in Missouri. Our district’s mission demands that we provide an excellent education for all children. Smithton’s belief is that an excellent education stresses rigorous academic instruction and positive character development. Our focus on Achievement, Enrichment, and Opportunity will enable all students to acquire the skills and abilities needed to be successful, including a mastery of content areas, growth mindset, self-knowledge, creativity, wellness, interpersonal skills, confidence, cultural competence, and community connection. We Are One because, together, students will grow and develop academically, socially, emotionally and physically.  


We expect our Smithton students to


Wildcat bullet point





Give Respect to themselves, others, and the learning environment


Wildcat bullet point


Be Ready to learn


Wildcat bullet point



Take Responsibility


Wildcat bullet point




Reach for the stars!