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After School Clubs 2024-2025

Art Club

For students who are interested in the visual arts and enjoy developing their creativity. We will work on a variety of art projects throughout the year, including projects for the school, areas of personal interest, and art medium exploration.

Dates and Times: 3rd Tuesday of the month

Starts: October 15

Location: RM 165

Sponsor(s)Ms. McElroy

Archery Club

Students interested in the sport of Archery. Club meets on Sundays in the Gym

Dates and Times: Sundays from 12:30-1:30

Starts: Oct 13th

Location:  Smithton Gym

Sponsor(s): Mrs. Pegg and Mrs. Sood

Board Game Club  

For students who are interested in playing and learning about strategy games like Settlers of Catan or Dungeons & Dragons.  Also for students interested in playing Chess.

Dates and Times: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month  

Starts: September 27th 

Location: Media Center  

Sponsor(s):  Mr. Hoover  

Builders Club

Builders club is a service club. We do volunteer work for our school and community. We have a monthly meeting at school where you receive information regarding our monthly community project. Some examples of our projects include: Hinkson Creek Clean Up, Working the kids area at the Heritage Festival and Ringing Bells for Salvation Army.

Dates and Times: 1st Thursday of the Month

Starts: November 7th 

Location:: RM 168

Sponsor(s): Ms. Campbell & Ms. Sipe

6th Grade Band

Mandatory for all students in 6th grade band.

Dates and Times: Every Monday

Starts: October 21

Location: Band Room

Sponsor(s): Ms. Collins & Mr. Moorman

Jazz Band

For all students interested in playing in a jazz band

Dates and Times: Every Tuesday

Starts: September 10

Location: RM 97

Sponsor(s): Mr. Moorman

6th Grade Choir

For 6th Grade students interested in learning fun songs, playing games, listening to music and having fun

Dates and Times: Every Tuesday

Starts: January 2025

Location: Choir Room

Sponsor(s): Ms. Elsea

MAC Scholars

Description: The Multicultural Achievement Committee (MAC) program is a holistic, collaborative, educational support function of Columbia Public Schools.  The MAC program is designed to provide scholars with the necessary skills and support to achieve success academically, emotionally, and socially.

Dates and Times: 1st Semester: 9/9, 9/30, 10/14, 10/28, 11/6, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9

Starts: August 26

Location: RM 140

Sponsor(s): Ms. McCain & Ms. Mardis

Smithton STEAM Club

For students who are interested in learning about 3-D printing, coding, Science and Robots!                                                 

Dates and Times: 2nd and 4th Thursday of the Month

Starts: October 9th

Location: RM 140

Sponsor(s): Mr. Hoover

Math Club

For students who are interested in competitive mathematics. Students will enhance their math skills in a fun and interactive manner as they compete against other teams.

Dates and Times: 

Starts: October 19th 

Location: RM 115

Sponsor(s): Ms. Winter

SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) Club

This is SMS’s student-led GSA group, providing a safe, supportive environment for ALL who are interested in current and historical LGBTQ+ topics. SAGA members participate in various social, educational, and community activities as a group with help from the GLSEN organization’s research-based materials to help us promote inclusivity and respect in our school, communities, and interactions with others.

Dates and Times: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the Month

Starts: September 26

Location: RM 213

Sponsor(s): Ms. LaRoe & Mr. Harker

Quiz Bowl

Attention all trivia buffs, brainiacs, and game show fanatics, Quiz Bowl is a trivia-based team made up of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders that competes throughout the school year. Our practices consist of learning the rules of quiz bowl, practicing questions, and expanding our knowledge. Did I mention, we have buzzers and snacks! If you are interested in checking out this amazing team, please fill out the Google Form in your email. Remember to sign-up for the activity bus or plan a ride. 

Dates and Times: 

Starts: October 10

Location: RM 108

Sponsor(s): Ms. Long

Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is an academic competition where teams of 15 students compete against other teams in various science challenges in our region, and hopefully our state.

Dates and Times: TBD

Starts: Soon! Stay Tuned

Location: RM 116

Sponsor(s): Dr. Gilliam

Speech & Debate Club

Learn and practice the art of Speech and debate and compete against other students.

Dates and Times:
1st semester:
8/29, 9/5, 9/27, 10/11, 10/25, 11/22, 12/12, 12/19
2nd semester: 1/10, 1/15, 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/7, 3/21, 4/4, 4/25, 5/2

Starts: August 29

Location: RM 96

Sponsor(s): Ms. Dotson

Student Council

Get a chance to have a voice and share your ideas on how we can make this school better, safe and fun for everyone!

Dates and Times: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month

Starts: September 17th

Location: Media Center

Sponsor(s): Mrs. Anderson & Mrs. Rickerson

Theater Club

Are you dramatic? Do you love to perform in front of others or would you like to be better at it? Then Theater Club is for you!

Dates and Times:
Second Semester: 
1/9, 1/30, 2/6, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 4/3, 4/24, 5/1, 5/15

Starts: January 9

Location: RM 96

Sponsor(s): Ms. Dotson